The Weiss Technik Vindur® FFA Ultra Clean Ventilation (UCV) Canopy is a medical clean air solution that is installed within operating theatres when the air-conditioning unit is located in an adjoining room, creating an ultra-clean air zone to prevent Surgical Site Infections (SSI) which occur through airborne particles.
The filter surface canopy is supplied with 100% of the air from the air-conditioning unit. This air is transported via the duct system to the plenum positioned above the filter. From there, it is conducted in its particle filtered state as clean air into the operating theatre and the preparation room where it forms a protective zone. The protective zone is created by way of an unidirectional flow. It covers the total sterile environment for the surgical procedure. The sterile environment also includes the material and instrument table as well as the persons in sterile clothing. As a result, the patient, surgical staff, material and instruments are optimally protected against airborne particles and bacteria.
The FFA.4 is installed as per the tried and tested “wall-to-wall” system. FFA.4 canopies are characterised by surface-covering, terminal, horizontally installed high-efficiency particulate air filters, which are positioned directly in front of the fabric distributors (single layer or differential flow). A uniform air distribution is achieved with the horizontal high-efficiency particulate air filters and the fabric.
The resistance of the high-efficiency particulate air filters in the filter covered areas is considerably less than that of end-mounted filters and on average has an outflow speed of 0.24 m/s at 60 Pa.