Transmission Electron Microscope H-9500

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Code: #16557

Supplier: Hitachi Asia (Vietnam) Co., Ltd.

Electron microscope transmits via 300kV, atomic resolution.


  • The H-9500 is a 100-300 kV TEM with an LaB6 electron gun. This is a user-friendly workhorse for atomic-resolution TEM imaging and routine structural characterization. The excellent imaging capability also makes the H-9500 a platform for in-situ TEM. Various Hitachi in-situ heating TEM specimen holders* enable the imaging of dynamic structural changes at elevated temperatures. A special version for gas environmental in-situ TEM is available.

  • Resolution

    0.10 nm (lattice)
    0.18 nm (point-to-point)

    Accelerating voltage

    300 kV, 200 kV*1, 100 kV*1


    Zoom mode

    1,000 - 1,500,000×

    SA mode

    4,000 - 500,000×

    Low mag mode

    200 - 500×

    Erectron gun


    LaB6 (DC heating)

    Filament exchange

    Automated gun lift

    High voltage cable

    Resistor cable

    Illumination system


    4-stage lens system

    Condenser aperture

    Click-stop 4-openings

    Probe size

    Micro mode: 0.05 - 0.2 µm (4 steps)
    Nano mode: 1 - 10 nm (4 steps)

    Beam tilt


    Imaging system


    5-stage lens system


    Image wobbler
    Astigmatism correction by stigmonitor
    Optimum focus

    Objective aperture

    Click-stop 4-openings

    Selected area aperture

    Click-stop 4-openings

    Erectron diffraction


    Selected-area electron diffraction
    Nano probe electron dilfraction
    Convergent-beam electron diffraction

    Camera length

    250 - 3,000 mm

    Specimen chamber

    Specimen stage

    Eucentric 5-axis Hiper goniometer stage

    Specimen size

    3 mmΦ

    Stage translation

    X/Y = ±1 mm, Z = ±0.3 mm
    Motor drive by CPU control

    Specimen position display

    Auto-drive, Auto-trace

    Specimen tilt

    α = ±15°, β = ±15°
    (Hitachi double tilt specimen holder*2)


    Cold block

    Baking function

    Mild baking function

    Viewing chamber

    Fluorescent screen

    Main screen: 110 mmΦ
    Focusing screen: 30 mmΦ

    Optical viewer


    Camera chamber

    Field selection

    Full/half exposure


    25 sheets (2 sets of film magazines)



    OS: Windows XP®


    19 inch monitor


    Database, measurement, image processing

    Digital CCD camera*3

    Camera coupling

    Lens coupling

    Effective pixels

    1,024 × 1,024 pixels

    A/D resolution

    12 bits

    Vacuum system

    Electron gun

    Ion pump: 60 L/s


    TMP: 260 L/s

    Viewing/camera chamber

    Diffusion pump: 280 L/s
    Fore pump: 135 L/min. × 3 sets

  • User-friendly operation
    Windows® compatible GUI design. High specimen throughput, 1 minute for specimen exchange and 5 minutes for voltage ramp up (300 kV) and beam on.
    Stable high resolution microscopy
    Point-to-point resolution of 0.18nm and lattice resolution of 0.1nm. A stable 5-axis eucentric goniometer stage.
    Excellent performance reliability
    Field-proven 10-stage accelerator gun design. High voltage resistor cable design.
    Valuable optional accessories
    A variety of specimen holders that provide heating, cooling and gas-injection capabilities for atomic resolution dynamic studies.
