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Thermal Cycler - PCR (Analytik Jena Biometra TOne 96/96G)

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Code: #19251

Supplier: Analytik Jena AG

Thermal Cycler - PCR (Analytik Jena Biometra TOne 96/96G).


  • Applications: 
    - Food and Agriculture
    - Diagnostic
    - Life Science Research
    - Environment
    - Forensic 

  • - Capacity: 96 x 0.2 ml tubes/ 96-well microtiter plate/12 x 8-well strips, 0.2 ml
    - Temperature range: 3°C to 99°C
    - Gradient temperature range: 20°C to 99°C

  • - Optimal price
    - Fast Ramping, best accuracy: superior sample block temperature control
    - Whisper Quiet technology: low noise emission of max 45 dB
    - High-performance Smart lid: defined pressure control for highly reproducible results
    - Linear Gradient tool: for easy gradient programming using the primer annealing temperature
