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The highest speed and precision MAX600

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Code: #28906

Supplier: CUBICON Inc.


  • Core Spot Size Variable System for High Speed and Precision Printing
    A laser spot size variable-specific precision optical system developed by the High Vision System was applied to Cubicon MAX600 which and allows for size variations in the 80 ~ 700um range. With this feature, the output can be printed precisely on the outside and at high speed on the inside of the output.
    Extend product ideas utilizing a variety of output materials
    Cubicon MAX600 can print various materials, including ABS-Like, heat-resistant, transparent, and soft materials. By selecting and utilizing materials for 3D printing purposes, it supports users to realize more diverse product ideas.
    Precise Tilting Calibration with the Auto-Collimator
    The self-developed, Cubicon MAX600 exclusive Auto-Collimator measuring system ensures precision tilting-calibration with high resolving power (0.001268 deg).
    Cubicon MAX600 has a surface illumination of less than 0.01 deg between the Recorder and the resin, resulting in cleaner quality output than conventional SLA type 3D printers, even without surface processing.
    Recoater Auto-Leveling realizes Optimal Output Quality
    'Recoater Auto Leveling' is a technique that consistently applies the resin level for the next layer output after a single layer output, which is an important factor in determining the output quality. Cubicon MAX 600 automatically adjusts the distance between the recoater and the resin level to maintain optimum output quality with precise stacking thickness.
    Anti-vibration & Output Quality Improvement with a single design structure
    With a bundle structure of three major units (Laser/Optical Part, Recoater, Build plate, Z-Axis motor) of 3D printers on a granite plate, Cubicon MAX600 is designed with an exclusive technique of high vision systems that separates the bundle unit from the outer. In addition, an anti-vibration damper is installed between the table, which is the only contact surface of the granite plate, and the granite plate to minimize vibration from all directions and improve output stability.
    Full Solution of CUBICON MAX 600
    High-Vision Systems offers unique solutions to the entire processes from the 3D printing data design stage to the post-processing stage. We provide user-friendly 3D printing and ensures high-quality outputs.
    Easy and convenient 3D data editing with Magics compatibility
    Effective 3D printing data preparation, along with its default performance of 3D printers, improves the completeness of the output and reduces the overall printing time. Cubicon MAX600 is compatible with the industrial standard program, Materialise Build SW 'Magics', and makes it easy and convenient for anyone to edit 3D printing data.
