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Tank-Blotting (wet-blotting) system

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Code: #19249

Supplier: Analytik Jena AG

Tank-blot for Gentle Blotting of Large and Temperature-Sensitive Proteins.


  • During the tank, blotting proteins are transferred in a vertical buffer tank between electrodes arranged on the sidewalls onto membranes. Tank blotting is recommended particularly for blotting of large molecules (> 100 resp. 200 kDa, depending on the characteristics of the protein) or of proteins that are difficult to transfer with other blotting techniques. Different models are available: Tankblot Eco-Mini and Tankblot Eco-Maxi offer highly effective cooling of small and large gels by integrated cooling bases.

  • - Fast, efficient and reproducible transfer of proteins
    - Effective cooling thanks to built-in cooling
    - Simultaneous blotting of up to four gels
