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SURPASS electromyography

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Price : Call

Code: #24781

Supplier: EMS Handels Gesellschaft mbH

SURPASS electromyography.


  • The Surpass is a comprehensive, easy to use 2 to 8 channel EMG/EP/EEG workstation for clinical and research use. The Stimulator control unit can be used for the stand alone as well as for the portable unit. The modular design philosophy ensures flexibility and upgrade opportunities with a complete set of software and hardware options. Using a common operating platform simplifies operation, increases productivity and quality control. Our unique Quality Sorted Averaging method provides faster testing and saves your recording time.

  • - 2 to 8 channel EMG/EP/IOM and EEG amplifier
    - 2 channel electrical stimulator
    - Internal Amplifier Switching Option
    - Up to 4 trigger inputs for ERP
    - Touch Panel Control
    - Display of up to 99 traces in cascade or split form
    - Wide variety of functional report templates
    - Free programmable Auditory Stimulator
    - Internal Signal recorder for up to 10 minutes
    - Silent Stimulation Settings
