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Stress testing device

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Code: #24694

Supplier: Spacelabs Healthcare

PC-ECG based stress test system with integration to ECG data management.


  • The cubestress Stress ECG utilizes Bluetooth connectivity for the patient module, removing lead artifact and improving patient comfort. Integration with Spacelabs’ Sentinel data management system is seamless.
    The system supports optimum workflow with preparation of the patient, display of ECG, control of the ergometer or treadmill, real-time printout on thermal or laser printer, and automatic archiving and printing of the report. It is compatible with ergometers and treadmills from leading suppliers.

  • Analyze
    Independent, simultaneous analysis of ST Segment on the 12 leads; maximum ST depression and elevation, ST trends.
    Alarms for arrhythmias, and disconnection of electrodes; HD+ wireless ECG acquisition module; ergometer or treadmill.
    User interface
    The display features high-resolution graphics to guide the user through the examination.
    Menus and wizards provide control and status of the test with configurable views of the patient’s vital signs.
    Protocols and stress devices
    Supports upright and prone ergometers, treadmills and mats.
    Support for a range of protocols with the ability to customize.
    Real-time views
    Values for HR, % max, R & S peaks, QT, QTc, QTa, QT2a, arrhythmias, BP, double product, METs, Protocol, stage, phase.
    ECG with average complexes, amplitude at J+80ms/60ms and gradient. Display of 1-12 leads, selectable amplitude and speed.
    Single lead with magnified average complex and a strip of rhythm, superimposed on the pre-test average.
    ST-QT for measurement on the magnified view, comparison with earlier stages and user configurable.
    Trends for HR, BP, load, double product, 12 leads ST, color coded.
    Review window
    Display of the trace and full disclosure anytime during the test.
    Automatic or manual printing, 1-3 minutes , each step, each phase.
    12 channels +AVG, 6+6+AVG, 12 channels, 6+6 or upon request 10-second pages or continuous printout.
