
STERIVAP HP IL Large Steam Sterilizer

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Code: #27211

Supplier: MMM Medcenter Einrichtungen GmbH

Disinfections, Sterilisation and Decontamination in the Science.


  • The latest modularly built STERIVAP® HP IL sterilizer is suitable for the microbiology, molecular biology, biotechnology and waste decontamination area. The steam sterilizers are intended for sterilization of solid objects without liquids content, liquid sterilization – solutions, cultural and boiling soils, suspensions and emulsions, liquid medical forms; steam decontamination.
    The STERIVAP® HP IL sterilizer – safe, quick, ergonomically designed, easy to handle, with possibility of individual modifi cations and with versatile use. The sterilizer line with chamber volume 148 – 2020 litres. The superior production quality, modern electronic and high quality materials are in case of STERIVAP® HP IL equally obvious as the user properties or extraordinary safety and reliability level.

  • Chamber volume: 148–2020 litres
    Basic features
    - tilting control panel “touch-screen” 12“
    - two-stage, high-performance, suction pump for short charges times, quick and accurate cycle processing
    - quick and accurate cycle processing
    - double chamber jachet with an independent and stable preheating
    - thermal deaeration
    - constructional modular system gives the possibility of individual device construction
    - on-line device monitoring

  • - big, colour, tilting control panel “touch-screen” 12“ with maximal operating and service comfort
    - two-stage, high-performance, suction pump for short charges times, quick and accurate cycle processing
    - double-processor control by two independent “Master and Slave” systems for quick and accurate cycle processing
    - unique, patented, double chamber jachet with an independent and stable preheating
    - for economical operation and low media consumption
    - the device is produced from a high-quality stainless steel inclusive the solid, divided frame for the long-term lifetime and reliability
    - thermal deaeration for higher operation reliability and sterilization safety
    - ergonomic adjustable position of the touch control panel placed outside the thermally exposed zone secures
    - manual and transporting and loading system guaranties the easy operating personnel work with sterilizing material
    - on-line device monitoring
