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PROtect Generation 2

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Price : Call

Code: #19128

Supplier: Esco Micro Pte. Ltd.

Remote Monitoring, Programming, Datalogging Software


Esco PROtect Generation 2 monitoring system includes radio frequency recorders which can be connected to any brand of temperature-controlled equipment. These recorders automatically send data to a central server to monitor temperature and other parameters and send real-time alerts to users. Esco PROtect® Generation 2 complies with ISO 17025, GMP, and GLP.


    • Monitoring of temperature, humidity, gas, pressure, door openings, etc.
    • The sensors are equipped with operating and warning light indicators
    • Alerts are sent through SMS, e-mail, and voice message according to your planning alerts
    • Very low power consumption (battery life up to 4 years)
    • Direct reading on the LCD display
    • Suitable for monitoring locations with:

    - few sensors

    - storage areas spread on a wide territory

    - a need for real-time transportation

  • Model

    Temperature Range


    PROtect G2 T0

    -40°C to +85°C

    Ambient temperature sensor

    PROtect G2 T1

    -30°C to +70°C

    Ambient temperature and door

    opening sensor

    PROtect G2 T2

    -50°C to +105°C

    Temperature sensor

    with external probe for freezer,

    refrigerator, and incubator

    PROtect G2 T3

    -200°C to 0°C

    Extreme low temperature sensor with external probe

    PROtect G2 Digital

    -200°C + 0°C


    Temperature and humidity sensor with external digital


    PROtect G2 U

    FOR PT100 - ON/OFF - COUNT 4 - 20MA SENSOR


    Universal analog input sensor

    PT100 / 0-1V

    0-20mA / 4-20mA

    Counting / Dry contact

    PROtect G2 TH1

    -30°C + 70°C / 0-100%RH


    -30°C to +70°C

    0 - 100% RH

    Ambient temperature and humidity sensor


    System Requirements


    1. Operating system:

    - Windows Server 2012 R2 / Windows Server 2016 / Windows 10 / Windows Server 2019

    - IIS Web Server version 8 minimum

    - SQL Server Express 2014 or higher version

    - Microsoft Framework.NET 4.7.2 or higher version

    - Access to SMTP server for email alerts

    - Access to a MultiTech GSM Router for text messages alerts


    2. Server configuration:

    - Processor: 2 cores minimum 2,6GHz

    - RAM: 8 GB (4 GB is the minimum required for a small installation, ex: 10 units)

    - Hard disk: 4 GB for the installation + 10 GB maximum for stored data.


    (Microsoft SQL Server Express manages 1 physical processor, 1 GB RAM and 10 GB DATA storage)


    3. Customer’s Network:

    - Allow TCP/IP communications on Port 13251: o Incoming traffic: in case of single server installation (can be changed in MySirius Configuration)

    -Incoming/Outgoing traffic: in case of multi-server installation. The Services and the IIS Web server should have access to the Dispatcher.

    - Allow TCP/IP communications on Port 13252 (Incoming traffic) for configurations with LoRa devices (can be changed in MySirius Configuration)

    - Allow customer SMTP server access for email alerts sending

    - Allow communication with a Multitech GSM router for text message alerts sending


