
MagRotex 24 Plus LV Nucleic acid Extractor

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Code: #27100

Supplier: Magen Biotechnology Co., Ltd

Large volume nucleic acid extractor, cell free DNA, rotate to prevent pollution, reagent strip, 24 channels, isolate free DNA from 2-9ml plasma/serum.


  • MagRotex 24 Plus adopts innovative rotating magnetic bead resuspension technology and single sample extraction consumables design, which can not only meet the require of large sample size (the initial sample volume can reach 9ml), but also select the quantity of consumables according to the number of samples, ensure the independence of sample processing process, avoid consumables waste and realize zero loss of consumables and reagents. Nucleic acid extraction and purification of 1-8 different samples can be completed quickly at one time. The user can start the experiment by simple operation through the large-size touch screen of the instrument. After the experiment, the extracted nucleic acid is stored in an independent elution tube, which can be taken out, capped, cryopreserved or used for subsequent detection. Megan has developed a large number of kits for MagRotex 24 Plus. The products include plasmid extraction, gel/product DNA purification, small amount of DNA extraction from blood/tissue, small amount of DNA extraction from environment, extraction of plant DNA, and extraction of total RNA, which basically include all kinds of biological samples in scientific research projects.
    By controlling the magnetic rods, the system can transfer the magnetic beads and disposable tips to mix the solutions. Samples are lysed, and then the nucleic acids are adsorbed to magnetic beads, then washed and eluted to produce the high-quality nucleic acids.
    The magnetic bead method has the advantage of high automation, efficient extraction, stable results and easy operation. It is more flexible operation by using single tube consumables.

  • Features


    Extraction mode

    Rotate and mix evenly, single sample can be extracted independently


    1-24 samples

    Process Volume

    60-10000 μl

    Sample Volume

    2-9 ml

    Magnetic bead recovery




    Heating temperature

    Room temperature - 99

    Ultraviolet disinfection


    Precast kit


    Running time

    30-150 minutesDepends by reagent requirements


    50 KG


    446mm X 384mm X 633mm

  • - Flexible sample volume - 2-9ml sample volume can be processed
    - Independent consumables design - strip consumables, no cross pollution and no waste of consumables
    - Rotary suspension - innovative rotary magnetic bead resuspension technology is adopted to avoid aerosol pollution caused by blowing or shaking and ensure the integrity of nucleic acid structure
