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iXpanel operating system

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Code: #26917

Supplier: INDEX-Werke GmbH & Co. KG

The cockpit for easy integration of the machine in your business organization.


  • Focus on production and control – Industry 4.0 included
    Not only by the complete integration into network structures, the newly developed INDEX iXpanel® operating system offers extensive additional operator support. The data communication is virtually limitless.
    iXpanel focuses on the optimal control of the machine for the effective machining of workpieces with maximum productivity. In addition, iXpanel provides a direct connection between the machine control and the operations department within the company.
    iXpanel includes the latest control of the Siemens S840D sl generation, FANUC 31iB and TRAUB TX8i-s V8. Another fundamental component is the 18.5"/15'' widescreen touchscreen monitor, which itself is suitable for sophisticated 3D simulations, and features a separate controller. A dedicated software was developed for this mini-computer. It is used to provide the machine operator with exactly the information that best supports him in his tasks at any time.
    Information & data network for paperless production
    On the right side, there is a vertical control strip that contains the ABC keyboard, number pad, cursor keys, and some other function keys. One of these is the “i4.0 button” that – when touched – changes the operating strip to an activity-oriented display.
    Numerous new features have been assigned to the Production, Setup, Programming, Maintenance, General, and Diagnostics sections. iXpanel allows the operater to toggle between the “normal” control view and this “second page” of the activity-oriented function view at any time.
    In addition, a full-page view of PDF formats and intuitive navigation/zoom functions on the touch screen ensures a safe transfer of information.

  • Standard features
    - Job documents
    - Custom documents
    - Workpiece counter
    - Production times
    - Online drawings
    - Online setup sheet
    - Online notes
    - Information center
    - Programming assistance
    - Favorites
    - Maintenance intervals
    - Diagnosis & service

  • Open system also for your own applications
    iXpanel unfolds its full strength with an optional industrial PC (VPC-Box with Windows 7) installed in the control cabinet. The VPC-Box allows the use of Virtual Machine (“VM on board”) to create and test new NC programs in parallel with running the machine, as well as for complex 3D simulations directly on the machine. iXpanel offers also useful assistance for machine programming via the VPro Programming Studio that can be used both in VM and directly on the machine control.
    The integrated VPC-Box allows using also other CAM systems and custom applications and Windows-standard applications.
