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INDEX Virtual Pro Software

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Code: #26922

Supplier: INDEX-Werke GmbH & Co. KG

VirtualPro – the innovative programming support.


  • VirtualPro is an innovative programming aid for INDEX turning machines. A large number of powerful input masks, parameterizable sequences and geometric functions simplify programming considerably. You create the desired workpiece program more quickly and conveniently and, thus, in a more reliable manner.
    VirtualPro with VPro Guide provides a new and particularly easy and powerful programming support for all INDEX turning machines:
    - VPro Guide is an innovative programming method from INDEX guiding the operator consistently through all machining technologies such as turning, drilling, milling and even the automation of machines and workpieces.
    - The current machining situation – which of course also considers the machine configuration – is always graphically visualized in VPro Guide so that even difficult entries can be made easily and safely step by step. Even complex and elaborate program sequences are created quickly and correctly.

  • Features:
    Multi-channel step editor
    - Optimal overview and navigation; easy channel (program) switchover
    - Basis for multi-channel, parallel workpiece program creation
    - Parallel WAIT-synchronized or runtime-related view
    - Runtime-based display and optimization functions
    - Direct change to “Large” ASCII single program view and between channels
    Function lists / cycles
    - Tabular overview of technology and functional cycles
    - Logic structure by machining type and function
    - Graphically supported selection of detail
    - Explanatory text and graphics diagram for input parameters
    - Directly reconvertible to originally used parameterization screen
    - On-line programming instructions for program commands, cycles and functions
    Contour generator
    - Contour definition through geometric elements
    - Programming of continuous contour trains
    - Insertion of form elements in and between the geometric elements
    - Automatic calculation of open geometries (up to 5 unknowns)
    - Reconvertible as contour
    DXF reader
    - 2D contour tracking including application of geometry to open workpiece program
    - Coordinate definition, setting zero point, clean-up of measurement and auxiliary lines
    - Reconvertible to geometry processor, for example for subsequent contour changes
    - Direct access from (multi-channel) editor of the control
