Heated tunnel - SM-PDM1300B

☆☆☆☆☆ ( 0 rates ) 295
Price : Call

Code: #16062

Supplier: Quoc Duy Development Production Service Trading Co., Ltd

Heat tunnel is a heated tunnel mounted over or around a conveyor system


  • Transport system
    -Transport belt is made of chain bar that ensures its stable working under high temperature for a long time
    -Feeding speed is adjusted by inverter
    -Closed tunnel can save more energy
    -Side entrance makes the work more convenient
    Air cycle system
    -Equipped with air heating and cycle system to fasten the air flow, make temperature even and fasten the volatilization of the paint thinner.
    -Air exhaust will vent the waste gas in time
    Heating system
    -IR lamps are equipped in the tunnel

  • -Max. processing width: 1300 mm
    -Max. processing thickness: 120 mm
    -Feeding speed: 0-6 m/min
    -Total power: 17 Kw
    -Machine size: 1200 x 1710 x 1600mm
    -Net weight: 1300 Kg
