
FORMOMAT PL Formaldehyde Sterilizer for Sterilization of Thermally Labile Materials

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Code: #27218

Supplier: MMM Medcenter Einrichtungen GmbH

FORMOMAT PL Formaldehyde Sterilizer for Sterilization of Thermally Labile Materials.


  • Low-temperature steriliser for preparing thermolabile goods and medical products in a low-temperature steam formaldehyde process (FO) in a vacuum in line with and TRGS 513 in health care facilities such as hospitals, practice clinics and industrial suppliers of sterile goods. Even narrow-lumen instruments are prepared perfectly.
    Approval-free formaldehyde sterilisation (low-temperature steam formaldehyde process).

  • Chamber volume: 110 litres
    Basic features
    - sterilising chamber made from corrosion and gas-proof light metal alloy
    - outer wall of the chamber heated electrically and heat-insulated.
    - frame and piping made completely from stainless steel
    - operator identification and access protection to prevent unauthorised modification of parameters.
    - vacuum pump with gas ejector
    - safety door lock
    - lockable shelf for the supply containers
    - variable temperature procedure (55-75°C)

  • - sterilising chamber made from corrosion and gas-proof light metal alloy
    - outer wall of the chamber heated electrically and heat-insulated
    - frame and piping made completely from stainless steel
    - continuous evaporator: ensures the even distribution of the active ingredient within the chamber - regardless of the load. That means even narrow-lumen and complex instruments can be sterilised
    - operator identification and access protection to prevent unauthorised modification of parameters
    - vacuum pump with gas ejector
    - safety door lock
    - lockable shelf for the supply containers
    - variable temperature procedure (55-75°C)
