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Cooled vacuum oven VOcool

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Price : Call

Code: #24883

Supplier: Memmert GmbH + Co. KG

For gentle drying of bacteria and starter cultures or simulation of intercontinental flights.


  • Low-temperature vacuum drying enables pharmaceutical or food labs to gently dry bacteria and starter cultures in the cooled vacuum oven VOcool. Furthermore, programme-controlled storage and transport scenarios, for determining the behaviour of active ingredients or volumes at different pressure and temperature conditions, can be simulated.

  • - Temperature range +5 up to +90 ℃
    - 2 model sizes (29 and 49 litres volume)
    - 1 model variant: TwinDISPLAY

  • - heating concept specifically adapted for a precise and homogenous temperature control
    - almost exclusive use of high-quality, corrosion-resistant and easily cleanable stainless steel for the working chamber and housing.
    - a wide range of options for programming and documentation using interfaces, integrated data loggers and the AtmoCONTROL software
    - 3 years guarantee worldwide
