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Bulk Solids Characterization Analyzer PowderPro A1

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Code: #19405

Supplier: 3P Instruments GmbH & Co. KG

Powder characteristics by fully automatic analysis of macroscopic, physical powder properties


  • Although the macroscopic properties of powders are decisive for their evaluation and the quantification of these properties is essential for the production, processing and packaging of powders as well as for the transport, storage and application, at this time there are only few possibilities to quantify these parameters. Most instruments have insufficient accuracy and reproducibility and can therefore only be used to a limited extent for a specific powder engineering.


    The PowderPro A1 allows a comprehensive, fast and accurate characterization of powders with respect to macroscopic powder properties. This new type of physical test device combines many advanced technologies such as computer or tablet computer-based controlling via Wi-Fi connection, fully automatic digital image processing technology or a 3D electromagnetic material processing. With the PowderPro A1, 13 parameters of metallic and non-metallic powder samples can be determined according to ASTM D6393: Carr Angle of Repose, Carr Angle of Fall, Carr Angle of Difference, Carr Angle of Spatula, Carr Packed Bulk Density, Carr Loose Bulk Density, Carr Compressibility, Carr Dispersibility, Carr Uniformity and Carr Cohesion, Voidage as well as Flowability and Floodability indices.


    The Powder Pro A1 is therefore an indispensable tool for the understanding and investigation of powder materials.

    • angle measurements using a CCD camera and image processing routine
    • fully automatic computer or tablet computer controlling (tablet computer is included in the delivery) guarantees easy handling and use
    • Standardized operating procedures (SOPs) ensure highly accurate and reproducible results
    • direct data communication via connection to electronic balance
    • new technology for the measurement of the Packed Bulk Density for a smooth powder surface and thus higher accuracy
    • freely selectable vibration frequencies between 50 to 300 min-1 at two different amplitudes (tapping heights, 3 or 14 mm) for the determination of the Packed Bulk Density
    • comprehensive accessory set included in delivery
    • compliant with ASTM D6393-14, USP32-NF27<616>, EP7.0 07/2010:20934 and ISO 3953
