
Agilent 280FS AA Atomic Absorption Systems

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Code: #15656

Supplier: Agilent Technologies, Inc.

The Agilent 280FS AA is a fast and productive flame AA system, featuring Fast Sequential operation combined with 8-lamp capability, premium optics, and UltrAA lamp looms for greater performance.


  • Able to handle multi-element suites with ease, it is ideal for environmental, food, and agriculture applications as well as high-throughput labs. The 280FS AA features automatic lamp selection, a programmable gas box, and D2 background correction, and can be fitted with a full range of AA accessories to further extend its capabilities.

  • - Boost productivity and reduce running costs using Fast Sequential analysis - the more elements you determine, the more you save on gas, reagent and lamp usage. (8 lamp capacity including support for up to 4 UltrAA lamps)
    - Reduce your analysis time by determining the concentration of all elements from a single aspiration sample
    - Get accurate results by determining 10 elements per sample in < 2 minutes without sacrificing data quality
    - Improve precision and accuracy with online internal standard corrections for physical differences, sample preparation errors, or drift
    - Increased sensitivity by 40% utilizing the UltrAA lamps while reducing noice and lowering your detection limits
    - Simplify your analysis by taking the guess work out of the method developemtn with SpectrAA comprehensive cookbook
    - Tune your flame AA performance with the Mark 7 atomization system
    - Mark 7 atomization system can achieve high sensitivity - typically > 0.9 Abs. from 5 mg/L Cu.
