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AC-DS-03 Neutralizer Station

☆☆☆☆☆ ( 0 rates ) 447
Price : Call

Code: #19445

Supplier: AirClean Systems

Safely dispose of glutaraldehyde and OPA


  • The AC-DS-03 neutralizer station is a semi-automated system designed to neutralize used high-level disinfectants such as Glutaraldehyde and OPA prior to discharge. The AC-DS-03 was designed for AirClean® Systems' line of ductless endoscopy workstations but may also be used with the CS Medical TD-100 automated TEE probe disinfector.

    Only 12.5" wide and easy to use. Simply switch on the unit and the display prompts you to add the neutralizer.

    Amount of neutralizer used will depend on the particular application.

    Uses Glycinex, a glycine-based powder as the active neutralizing agent.
