Seeking Ultra-Sound Technology for Determining the Thickness of Macapuno Coconut Meat


Macapuno coconut (Cocos nucifera var makapuno) is a mutant type of coconut with thick, flexible, fat meat, and almost no water. This type of coconut is the specialty of Trà Vinh, Vietnam.

Background / Description

Macapuno coconut is currently the most expensive type of coconut in Vietnam thanks to its taste. Only in a small region of Cầu Kè District, Trà Vinh Province, can coconuts with thick meat and exceptional taste be grown.


The market for macapuno coconuts nowadays is mostly domestic. Export of macapuno coconuts into difficult markets with good price faces much difficulties. The categorizing of macapuno coconuts is too subjective, based mostly on the experience of workers, leading to poor uniformity of products, hindering exportations on industrial scale.

To realize the full value of Trà Vinh’s macapuno coconuts, apart from developing large, high-quantity supply areas, there is also a need for supporting technologies and equipments such as ultra-sound for determining the thickness of coconut meat.

Technology requirements

  • Capable of determining the thickness of coconut meat on industrial scale;
  • Can be connected to computers during the process;
  • High durability;
  • Don’t affect product’s quality.


Form of cooperation

Consultation, transfering of technology and equipments.
