Seeking Tissue Culturing / Aeroponics Technology for Bamboo Trees


Bamboos are evergreen perennial flowering plants with fasciculate roots, hollow stalks, divided into sections by joints. Bamboos form forests quickly, adapt easily to a variety of living conditions, and can regrow normally after harvest. Bamboos also have many applications in industries such as construction, crafts, paper industry, fisheries, and consumables.


As the demand for bamboos – both domestic and international – continues to increase, the traditional cultivation method is no longer suffice. Bamboos’ long, irregular flowering cycle leads to a shortage of seeds. The new popular cultivation method is in vitro propagation. This method is favored due to its high productivity: in just one year, between 100.000 and 200.000 healthy, disease-free, well-adapted seedlings are produced from just one original sprout.

In addition, another cultivating method receiving much attention is aeroponics. This is a new method used in agriculture, growing plants without the use of soil (terraponics) or water (hydroponics), instead growing them in the air with nutrient-rich mist. The mist provides nutrient to the roots, enable growth and development for the plant. Aeroponics is considered a breakthrough in asexual propagation, since it can be used to propagate many species of plant, with a much shorter cycle, 30 times the productivity of the traditional method, remove the need for the complicated sterilizing process (of the environment and specimens) in culturing tissues, saving labor, material, and lower cost.


* Technical requirements

Productivity meets the demand for 700.000 ha of bamboo forest.


* Methods of cooperation

Transfer of tissue culturing / aeroponics technology for bamboo trees

Sale of propagated end-products (bamboo seedlings)
